Outselling Bestsellers
Your Playbook to Selling More Books.
You have written a book, but now what? Take publishing and distribution into your own hands as Matt Bennett guides you through his time tested strategies that get results. With 3 audio segments and a workbook, this course is a hands-on, no-BS guide on how to sell more copies of your book. This course covers everything from how the industry works, down to habits you need to integrate into your daily life if you are going to be successful as a self-published author.
– 3 Audio Segments
– Workbook
– Bonus Motivational Audio
*FREE Consultation with Matt Bennett himself!*
Matthew Bennett has written, printed and sold over 5,000,000 books while raising millions of dollars for charities.
His groundbreaking step-by-step system is guaranteed to provide you with EVERYTHING you need to print and sell the book of your dreams at a price that EVERYONE CAN AFFORD!
Whether your goal is to be an international bestselling superstar, or are just looking for an innovative way to promote your business, the promise of this program is to expose you to ALL of the basic tools and skills you need to successfully print and sell the book of your dreams.
One thing I’ve learned from over twenty years in the publishing business is that there are a remarkable number of creative people out there who have a special book inside of them just waiting to be set free!
I’ve coached and taught seminars to thousands of people and when I ask these potential superstars of the literary world what’s holding them back, the most common response I get by far is, “I just don’t know what to do or how to do it.” Many people feel like chefs who have the necessary ingredients to create a masterpiece, but just need the right recipe. Well, this is it!
And, this system will work for any nonfiction subject (and many fiction topics as well)! People have had remarkable success with books about:
Nutrition/FitnessSelf helpCookbooksFinanceHealthSportsRelationshipsMotivational/InspirationalGiftsTechnicalSenior CareParentingPhotographyTravel …and many others!
We’re going to supply all the tools you’ll need to create a real game plan for where you’re going and a step-by-step system to follow on how to get there.
You aren’t going to just be TOLD how to put the necessary materials together to print and sell your book, you’re actually going to create them specifically for your project.
This training is so thorough, by the time we’re finished, you’ll be better equipped to write, print and sell your book than the average person who works at a major publishing house!
Here’s just a partial list of what you’ll learn/get with Outselling Bestsellers:
The reasons WHY you are writing your book are far more important than HOW you go about doing it. Why you absolutely don’t have to be an expert to succeed (with no medical background and no children I wrote and printed a maternity guide that sold millions of copies…and that was my first book EVER!). How to sell tons of books by just making three calls per day. How to distinguish between different types of publishers…and which kind are even worth pursuing. Pricing your book for everywhere from orders of ten all the way up to over a million. Why marketing is EVERYTHING and why good ideas without proper marketing are NOTHING.
Simple methods for how to find and get through to the decision-makers at the largest companies in the world. Why selling through alternative markets through corporate incentive and gifting programs beats chasing after bookstores by a mile. How to become an educator instead of a salesperson. The secrets to becoming a master networker and the keys to getting your book known by everyone you know and everyone they know. How to develop your one-liner, 30-second elevator pitch, one-sheet and company hit-list…the simple (and ONLY) tools you will need to successfully promote your book to volume buyers.
The many advantages of making one GIANT deal instead of hundreds of little ones. It’s faster, easier, you reach and help more people, make more money, eliminate risks, benefit charities, and many other motivating reasons. Sample emails, basic telephone scripts and a host of other support documents. What a well-designed website can do for you and your business. The power of professional editing. How sponsoring companies can buy your book and do deals worth tens-of-millions of dollars that won’t cost them a single penny. The importance of asking powerful questions (and avoiding “yes-no” questions). How to BLAST through obstacles, fears and excuses of ALL KINDS, like “I have no time,” or, “I have no money.” Why you definitely DON’T need to spend a lot of money on high-tech or elaborate presentations to do really BIG deals (not even Powerpoint)
Perhaps most importantly, you’ll be loaded with confidence and excitement about actually getting out there and doing it. We’ll help you get you’re your doubts and all the other blocks that hold you back from getting where you really want to go.
You’ll feel prepared and inspired as we share the mindset you need to make big things happen. Not only do we guarantee to help you every step of the way to becoming a successful author, our fresh perspective and motivational content may just change your life.
I’m not saying that selling millions of books is a piece of cake, or that they’re going to sell themselves. Your book has to be well written and offer genuine benefits to a large group of readers.
Plus, you’ve got have a driving passion for your project and be open to learning and applying new concepts. But, I am personally assuring you that I have done everything in my power to make this course incredibly valuable and worth your while.
This is a very dynamic system in which I strongly encourage you to participate fully and challenge all of your preconceived limitations.
The Outselling Bestsellers! program doesn’t require any fancy equipment or previous experience and can be followed on the tightest of budgets.
Just think of all the TIME, ENERGY, HEADACHES, and MONEY you’ll save by taking advantage of all of the lessons I’ve learned during twenty-plus years as a dedicated student of the publishing industry.
You’ll benefit from my failures and triumphs AND I DON’T HOLD ANYTHING BACK!
Below are just a few of the businesses I’ve had the pleasure to work with:
Reebok, Disney, Starwood Hotels, Pfizer, Babies ‘R Us, Subway, Macy’s, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, Sony, Chevron, Arm & Hammer, Ross Labs, Wells Fargo Bank, US Healthcare, Aetna Healthcare, UCLA (and many other universities), Bayer, Veterinary Centers of America, Abbott Labs, Merial, A Pea in a Pod, dozens of charities, dozens of religious institutions, dozens of expos and conventions, innumerable catalogs, several infomercials, dozens of magazines, thousands of doctors/dentists/veterinary offices, dozens of gyms, and hundreds of small stores which sell everything from maternity clothing to electronics.
Of course, I’m also very proud to have consulted for and raised over $1 million for:
American Heart Association, March of Dimes, Special Olympics, American Veterinary Medical Foundation, National Paralysis Foundation, American Cancer Society, Child Abuse Prevention Center, American Diabetes Association, National Parenting Center, President’s Council on Physical Fitness, P.S. I Love You, Mychal’s Learning Place, and many, many others.
David Wolfe is quoted as saying, “If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. If you keep believing what your believing, you’ll keep achieving what you’re achieving.” Einstein defined insanity as repeating the same process while expecting different results.
Remember: All you need is a well written book that offers genuine benefits to a large group of readers, a driving passion for your project and to be open to learning and applying new concepts.
The difference between a dream and a goal can be defined in five simple actions:
1) Set specific targets … 2) Create a realistic timeline …3) Have a definite action plan …4) Be accountable …5) START!
Are You Ready to START?